The ARC T-Barrier Pitched Roof is designed to provide a fire, thermal and acoustic barrier between the top of the party wall blockwork and the underslaters felt. The product is fitted along the length of the roof pitch, from soffit to apex ensuring an effective and consistent barrier.
ARC T-Barrier Pitched Roof is easily installed once the party wall blockwork is complete, with the unique T-shape being held in place by compression between the two leaves of party wall blockwork.
Key Features:
- Up to four hours fire integrity.
- Provides fire stopping at the head of a block party wall.
- Complies with NHBC 2017 7.2.16.
- Sits in compression directly under the roofing membrane.
- Held in position by compression fit within the party wall cavity.
- Available is different sizes.
- Green Guide ‘A+’ rating.
- Easy to install.