Ryno’s GRP pre-formed drip edge angles will finish off a flat roofing project quickly and efficiently. The drip edge trims and angles will divert water from a flat roof structure off the side of the roof and into the gutters below.
Black in colour, drip edges and angles are a simple but effective concept that can aid roof top drainage and minimise any damage that would occur from a build up of water or backed up drains.
Pre-formed angles eliminate the need for on-site mitre cutting. They also ensure a neat, accurate and watertight detail at any change in the roof edge direction.
Manufactured from glass fibre reinforced polyester, Ryno GRP drip edge angles are maintenance free and are impervious to corrosion, rusting or denting. They will conceal any untidy roof details for a sleek, clean and professional finish to a flat roofing project.